Huawei google android update

The recent news of the trade ban from United States on US firms from doing business with Huawei, currently the world's largest telecom supplier and second largest Smartphone manufacturer, has been making waves around the world. It is a rapidly evolving situation, however there are misinformation based on speculation and rumors being spread.

We've had many customers asking us for information regarding the stituation. This post will present the official sources and statements on what the ban means for those who are existing owners or are considering the purchase of a Huawei phone, and will be regularly updated as further information becomes available. 

We will continue to work closely at communicating with Huawei Australia to keep our valued customers updated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via


24/05: Huawei Australia has released a statement to reassure consumers that existing devices will not be impacted by the ban, the full statement can be found here.

Huawei's Commitment

Update 20/06: Huawei has just released a lengthy statement, as well as extended answers to 8 questions to reassure consumers about their concerns. It is quite in depth statement that delves into Software Updates such as Android Q and Apps including Google. The updated statement is found here. 


Android has posted a twitter update about the functionality of Google services on existing Huawei devices.